How to View and Delete Your Data in Kin

Kin gives you complete visibility and power over your personal information, all of which are stored locally for easy access, so you never have to worry about what Kin knows about you.

Written By Leon-Paul Lynn

Last updated About 1 month ago

Section 1: Viewing Data

Step 1: Open the Kin App

  • Launch the Kin App on your device.

Step 2: Check the ‘Today’ Section

  • The Today section lives on the Home page, and provides a summary of what Kin has recently learned about you that day.

  • It shows how many Memories you’ve created today with Kin, as well as how many came from Chat discussions, and how many from Journal entries.

Step 3: Explore the ‘History’ Tab

  • By tapping the ‘History’ button on the top right of the Today section, you can enter the History tab.

  • Once there, you can scroll through a calendar to see what Kin learnt about you when.

  • When selected, each day will show all of the memories Kin learnt during that day.

  • Hitting the ‘show nodes’ button on the top-right of a particular day’s the memory list will show you how that day’s memories were connected together my Kin’s Memory algorithm.

Step 4: Visit the ‘Streaks & Stats’ Tab

  • Return to the Home page by tapping the Back button in the top left.

  • Tap the flame icon in the top-right corner of the Home page to access the Streaks & Stats tab.

  • This tab breaks down how many days you’ve used Kin in a row (your streak), your highest streak, and how many Memories Kin has learnt about you in total.

  • It also shows your total number of ‘nodes’, which Kin uses to order its connections between information about you.

Step 5: View the ‘Knowledge Map’

  • You can also tap the line-and-circle icon in the top-right of the Streaks & Stats tab to view your Knowledge Map.

  • The Knowledge Map displays everything Kin knows about you, including how it orders and connects that information, in one giant, visual mind-map.

Section 2: Deleting & Handling Data

To Manually Delete Individual Memories:
Step 6: Use the ‘History’ tab

  • Every memory in the History tab can be deleted individually.

  • To delete one, navigate to the day it was made, and then select it from the day’s memory list.  

  • By tapping on the memory you’d like to delete, and hit the trash can icon in the bottom-right of the pop-up menu that appears. 

To Automatically Individual Memories:
Step 7: Ask Kin

  • To delete a memory through text alone, simply tell Kin in the Chat what you’d like it to forget.

  •  Kin will delete the information and its connections from its memory for you. 

Step 8: Export Kin’s Full Memory

  • From the Home page, select the hamburger menu from the top-left, and select the ‘Settings’ tab from the left-side screen that appears.

  • Scroll down to find the Data Control section of the settings, which houses Kin’s large-feature data control options. It also shows you your Kin User ID, and thr total size of Kin’s local memory store on you.

  • To export Kin’s store of your personal data, select the Back up Your Data option from this section, and choose the storage solution of your choice.

  • This data can be used to restore your Kin’s current memory of you on a different device, or after wiping your present one.

Step 9: Delete Kin’s Full Memory

  • Kin’s memory can also be deleted from the Data Control section of the Settings tab.

  • Simply tap the red Delete Kin button at the bottom of the tab to do so.

  • Kin will warn you about this, as if you’ve not backed up the data yourself, we do not hold any version of your data that can be used to restore it for you. This deletion is whole and permanent.