Kin’s sophisticated tone and voice customization features allow you to shape how Kin communicates.
Written By Leon-Paul Lynn
Last updated About 1 month ago
Step 1. Visit the ‘Your Kin’ Tab
Launch the Kin App
Hit the hamburger button in the top left to access the Your Kin tab.
Step 2. Explore the Voice Options
Select the Kin’s Voice option
View the six distinct voices Kin offers. When you switch voices, Kin will play a snippet to let you hear the voice you selected.
By accessing the Your Kin tab again with the back button in the top left, you can select the Speaking to Kin option to control what system Kin transcribes your voice.
Step 3. Explore the Tone of Voice Settings
Hit the back bottom in the top left corner to return to the Your Kin tab
Under the Kin’s Tone of Voice heading, at the top of the My Kin tab, is the tone of voice control.
Fine-tune how you’d like Kin to talk and respond by describing the exact behavior you’d like from Kin in this box.
Step 4: Ask Kin to Remember your Settings
Tap the back button in the top left to return to the Home page.
Hit the speech bubble icon in the bottom right to enter the Chat.
Tell Kin the voice option you chose, and what tone of voice description you provided.
Kin can now use these in its analyses of you, and can restore them for you if you change them.
Step 5: Dive Deeper with Kin
In the Chat, ask Kin which communication options it thinks would be best for you.
Kin can match voice and tone of voice options to its profile of you, and help you find a style that fits the kind of support you need.